Cllrs. Vanessa Brown and Samer Bagaeen

BH2020/00931 - Former Dairy, 35 - 39 The Droveway


6th June 2020:

As Councillors for Hove Park Ward we are writing to strongly object to the above planning application. This site already has planning permission but this new application reduces the amount of commercial space and increases the number of houses from 14 to 25. This is an inferior scheme and would be a complete overdevelopment of the site. These plans do not conserve the significance of the heritage asset or respect the sense of place.


Previously there were 8 dwellings to the Northern boundary of the site but now there are 9. To do this the houses have been made narrower and the roof levels have been increased making them more dominant. The houses are of poor design. The windows on the Northern roof slope have greatly increased in size causing a loss of privacy and overshadowing to nearby houses. The density of the housing is completely out of character with the surrounding area. The houses all have very small gardens and there is insufficient green space on the site.


There is now only one small detached building to the West of the site for commercial use, although this was supposed to be a mixed use development.


The Heritage Team are recommending refusal of the scheme and we totally agree with their views.


If this application should be recommended for approval we request that it go before the Planning Committee for decision.